Credit cards are great in a pinch or to get rewards...just make sure you don't go into debt because of them. =)
I still use my Amex card for certain things, and one of the biggest reasons is for the special offers they have. About every month or so they add extra offers, so it's good to check often if you have either the Blue Cash Everyday Card or the Blue Cash Preferred Card.
On top of this you have the 1%, 2%, and 3% cash back on specific categories as well!
Here is an example of what I have loaded now ready to use.
Here are some examples of what I can add to my card.
Here are some examples of offers I have already used in the past, and how much I got back on my card.
As you can see some offers are great and high value while others are so-so. However, even getting $5 back from $100 spent is still $5!
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