Thursday, April 28, 2016

Frys Food Weekly Sale April 27 - May 3

Starting this week and every Wednesday I'll be branching out and including good weekly sale items from grocery stores. We'll see how it goes! The layout will probably change and get better, so please bear with me for now.
Just make sure you use your Frys card for purchases, as most of the sale prices need your card.

- Manogs 2/$1
- Cripps Pink Apples $1.99 lb
- Red or Green Seedless Grapes $2.49 lb
- Navel Oranges $0.99 lb
- Pork Shoulder Roast $1.49lb
- Heritage Farm Leg Quarters $0.88lb
- Pork Back Ribs or St Louis Style Pork Ribs $2.99lb

There is a huge Buy 4 save $4 sale going on. You can buy any 4 marked items and get $1 off each one. So you don't have to buy 4 of the same item which is nice.

Below are some examples of prices after the $1 off.
- Tropicana Juice 59 fl oz $2.79
- Kellogg's Nutri-Grain Bars 5-8ct $1.99
- General Mills Cereal Select Varieties $2.49 each
- Frito-Lay Multipack Snacks 20ct $4.99
- Keebler Town House or Club Crackers 9-13.8oz $1.99
- Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers or Puffs 6.6-8oz $0.99
- Ocean Spray 100% Juice 46-64oz $1.99 each
- Skippy Peanut Butter 15-16.3oz $1.49
- Kraft Mayo or Miracle Whip 22-30 fl oz $2.49

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